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Home » 5.0.3 release around First Week of April …

5.0.3 release around First Week of April …

Last Updated: July 13, 2023

Posted: March 13, 2007

We had a team-meeting today and we have decided to wipe the trac clean with the issues that we have as of now by the end of this week.
We will go for another round of validation spanning the entire next week.
Then, we will take up the bug fixes based on the priority of the issue.
We will see how the cat jumps from then on.

You can assume that we are looking at releasing vtiger somewhere near the First Week of April or so.
So those who are making plans to move/migrate their businesses based on vtiger planning, target using vtiger from 2nd week of April or so.

Please note that while posting bugs, do be very specific if you are asking for a feature or for a fix. A fix is a bug-fix and a feature is something that is an add-on to what something already works like.

So, please be very specific in what you state and how you categorize. No doubt we will review what you post but still it is far better that you categorize the same yourself well.

We are working on providing a solid and bug-less product. The features can wait or you can pay us for getting them done separately or specifically for you. Let us not club all these together in the 5.0.3 release itself.