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Activity Update – Nov, 2009

Last Updated: July 11, 2023

Posted: November 9, 2009

Its been quite sometime on activity update, today I decided to complete this post even though the clock ticked 1:00’AM ๐Ÿ™‚

Response on vtiger CRM 5.1.0 has been very exciting, with an approximately 70000+ product and 17000+ plug-ins downloads so far and Review & Rate has increased to 140!

We are thankful to community who are actively spreading the word and getting involved in community activities. Keep up the spirit and collaboration.

Our feedback monitoring team are happy to see the number of un-installation getting down significantly. They have been doing the follow-ups on these emails to help users to get started by orienting towards documentation links at or threads at!

Our support team are focusing their energy reading through discussions on forums, blogs, feedback emails and co-ordinating with development team. They have been providing round-the-clock support to our users (who are using vtiger 4.x) and helping them to get migrated.

The challenge for optimization team has been raised since the last the last work that was rolled into 5.1.0

Our development team freezed the first phase of feature implementations for 5.2.0 and waiting for the integration completion. Bug-fixing phase is scheduled to start soon.

Will get back with few more updates, till then keep us posted with your usage or introducing it to your friends/clients.

vtiger Team