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Segment, target, and trigger email marketing to grow your holiday sales

Last Updated: December 8, 2015

Posted: December 8, 2015

For many businesses the holiday season is the most important time of the year. From Thanksgiving to the end of December, shoppers stream into stores, both physical and digital, with a higher propensity to spend – either on themselves or loved ones. The importance of this relatively brief period for businesses can hardly be overstated, with holiday sales in 2015 expecting to represent a whopping 19 percent of the retail industry’s annual sales of $3.2 trillion.

To open the minds and wallets of eager shoppers, savvy marketers increasingly turn to one particularly effective tool – email campaigns. Email campaigns offer the best of many worlds, with a low cost per contact, wide reach, and high, measurable ROI. Perhaps even more attractive than the broad metrics is the high degree to which campaigns can be personalized to influence recipients. As long as a business can segment shoppers based on their preferences, preference-targeting campaigns can reach those shoppers, increasing engagement above the typical bulk message shoppers see. The benefits are worthwhile, with targeted email campaigns exhibit increased open rates and up to 77% higher ROI.

Whether you want to reach out to a prospect for the first time or request a customer referral after deal closure, use these email templates to grab attention and get replies.

Vtiger’s email campaigns segment your contacts into lists using any information from their history with you to let you send highly personalized email campaigns. Here are 5 ways to segment your email list to drive more sales this holiday season:

Re-engage last year shoppers

Re-engaging past holiday shoppers is a big opportunity to boost your sales. Segment this list by knowing what they purchased last year. Send a purchase guide based on what they might be interested to buy this holiday season.

Reward your big buyers

Identify customers who frequent your store and spend more. Set up a special discount campaign for such loyal customers. Increase loyalty points for holiday shopping and offer special sales previews to boost the loyalty.

Group by geography

If you are a business that has customers spread across the globe, then a single Thanksgiving discount email blast will have no relevance to customers based outside of America. Segment customers based in different location by their zip code. Send discount coupons to customers based in the location where you have a special discount sale.

Relive last minute shoppers’ holiday stress

Google notes that 41% of holiday shoppers won’€™t finish buying until mid-December and a quarter won’€™t finish buying until the last minute. Offer a gift guide to such last minute shoppers that help them make quick buying decisions.

Trigger emails based on customer engagement

Engage customers with right message at right time with autoresponders. Update triggered emails to carry Holiday spirit. Include Holiday greetings in your welcome and Thank you emails. Did your customer open the promotional discount offer email? Send an offer expiry reminder email after 2 days.

Watch the tours to learn how to set-up email campaigns and autoresponder emails in Vtiger. Or emails us at [email protected] for queries.