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Debunking Salesforce 360

Last Updated: November 21, 2019

Posted: November 21, 2019


You may have heard about some hilariously creative guerilla marketing by Freshworks during the recent Dreamforce event with skydivers jumping off a blimp with some apt hashtags.

For us mere mortals at Vtiger, the following baffled us since it is a topic very close to our hearts.

Salesforce just announced a bunch of new tools to help businesses know everything about their customers across sales, service, and marketing !!!!!

….a new tool called Customer 360 Data Manager

….create a single ID to identify their customers

Here are our thoughts on their claims. Read On.

Really? More tools?

Well, the good news is that the industry is realizing what customer-facing people are up against. A recent finding by Gartner revealed that a single view of the customer is one of the top priorities for businesses. This should come as NO surprise to anyone. But trying to construct a single view from a myriad of data sources is neither simple nor foolproof. The fundamental underpinning still remains. Customer data exists on marketing, sales, and service tools. These tools were not designed to talk to each other seamlessly. If there were, we would not need another tool or APIs. Inaccurate, incomplete, and inconsistent customer data is a commonplace when you have it scattered in multiple places.

Seriously – does this look like fun to do?


Enter Vtiger ONE

We had a chance to speak with 100s of senior executives during a Gartner Symposium about Vtiger One and the response was overwhelming. The first impression was disbelief. But once they saw it in action, they realized it is the REAL DEAL – OneView that is reliable, relevant and actionable. We spoke to businesses using different tools for lead scoring, marketing campaigns, SFA, customer support and projects. While there are APIs to achieve a certain level of integration, you still need to construct a single view. Salesforce is purporting to give you this with yet another new tool.


Shifa Nayazi, our customer success rockstar, is always thrilled to show how all this works.

With Vtiger One, marketing captures, validates, enriches leads and hands off to sales. Sales run from where marketing left off armed with the same reliable information. Support teams pick up from where sales left off armed with a complete picture of the customer. Sales reps are fully plugged into issues raised by prospects and support reps are plugged into deals that are brewing with prospects they are supporting. No more embarrassing moments like – let me get back to you about that, or trying to upsell to an angry customer, or marketing something a customer already bought..

Finally, you can bring interactions across channels from tools you are using into OneView or choose to use what we offer out-of-the-box.

Give us a try . Or shoot us a note and we will be happy to walk you through OneView.