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Home » December 2012 – Update 2

December 2012 – Update 2

Last Updated: July 12, 2023

Posted: December 17, 2012

We completed our second round of  platform updates on December 15th. In addition to 20 or so bugs that were identified and fixed, the following enhancements also went out:

Share your calendar:

Users can now see other users’ calendars by accessing the new ‘Shared Calendar’ page. Only calendars that have been made public or are otherwise shared with you can be added to your Shared Calendar page. Although hierarchy configurations had previously determined which calendars were visible to a users, it is not possible for anyone to selectively share calendars with anyone else.

View key metrics on the home page

A ‘Key Metrics’ widget has been placed on the home page of the new UI showing the number of records in the various lists (filters).

Create lead conversion reports

A new field called ‘Is converted from Lead’ has been added to opportunity records, allowing for easier reporting on leads converted by each sales person.

A new task list

You can now see all tasks assigned to you across all projects by clicking on the ‘Tasks List’ tab on the Projects page. Using filters, you can setup custom task lists, filtering for tasks that are assigned to you, those with a particular status, or any other criteria.


We received numerous requests to see the exact times events happened (such as comment post or update), as well as the currently shown elapsed time since an event happened. You can now see the exact time by hovering your mouse pointer over the elapsed time.