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New configurable alerts: get real-time updates on what’s happening with your customers

Last Updated: October 26, 2015

Posted: October 26, 2015

Most sales and support reps aren’t superheroes, so just like everyone else they can only focus their attention on a few things at a time. For a sales rep that might mean prospecting for leads. For a support rep, perhaps working on a case. In either scenario, however, their attention is often limited to what’s right in front of them. Meanwhile, deals, cases and other initiatives already in their pipeline continue to progress, and valuable opportunities to move them forward often slip by unnoticed.

With Vtiger’s new smart alerts, however, sales and support reps receive real-time notifications whenever an important event happens with something that they’re involved in. Whether that means they were assigned a new lead, or a case that they were working on went idle, on-screen, or email, alerts let them know what happened, and what, if any action, is appropriate to take next.

Read on to learn about three key uses for Vtiger’s new smart alerts:

Get reminded to follow up on idle records


Get automatic notifications on idle records

“The fortune is in the follow-up” goes an old saying that also happens to perfectly describe the value of Vtiger’s smart alerts. Appropriately timed follow-ups are the only way to get the attention of, and build relationships with the plethora of leads and customers that are on the fence in deciding between you and a competitor. Vtiger’s smart reminders can be set to remind you when a contact goes idle for more than a few hours to a few days so that you’re always at the top of mind when it’s time to buy.

Get notified of changes to records

When a CRM record is updated by multiple people, changes like an opportunity stage advancing to the next step are easy to miss, leading to potentially adverse outcomes. Vtiger’s record update notifications let you see instantly when these and other updates to records that are important to you happen.

Get notified of direct mentions


@mention co-workers to collaborate

A sales reps constantly collaborates with teams and team members, both internal and external, to make better decisions. Finalizing a quote, negotiating a discount, or simply keeping someone in the loop needs constant internal communication. Vtiger’s mentions function makes that internal communication and collaboration easier. Use direct mentions in a comment to notify the concerned person or team instantly.

If you’re already using Vtiger, learn how to setup smart reminder with this tour. Otherwise sign up for a free trial of Vtiger to start using powerful automation tools to optimize your sales pipeline performance, and team productivity.