Toward the beginning of every month, SourceForge runs a 10-day contest pitting around 10 open source projects against each other to see who will take home the title of “Project of the Month”. Alongside the title, the winning project is listed on SourceForge’s home page for a full month, and an interview of the project’s management team is published on the SourceForge blog. The winning project is that which receives the most votes on the contest’s SourceForge Page by April 4th, 2014.
For this month’s contest, Vtiger CRM has been named as one of the 9 contestants. If you have a quick minute and would like to help Vtiger CRM take home the title of “Project of the Month”, helping us grow our community (from which we would all benefit), please head over to the SourceForge page and vote for us (by submitting the comment VOTE: vtigercrm ). We really appreciate your help!
TLDR: If you would like to support the Vtiger CRM Open Source project
1) go to the contest’s SourceForge Page
2) submit the comment: VOTE: vtigercrm
Thanks everyone!