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Home » It’s time to take a break, folks!

It’s time to take a break, folks!

Last Updated: December 21, 2020

Posted: December 21, 2020

2020 – the year that never was, when the whole world was on pause.

Not going out, social distancing, wearing masks, sanitization, and working from home became the new normal.

We shall overcome, we shall overcome,

We shall overcome someday.

Deep in my heart, I do believe,

That we shall overcome someday.

(We shall overcome by Pete Seeger)

The IT industry is currently revolving around working from home. We have worked on weekdays and weekends, clicking keyboards and taking calls 24/7. Professional and personal lives have now merged, and your colleagues are your ‘new-found’ families. 

While you have been working non-stop throughout 2020, we are sure that your pending annual leaves are calling out to you. So, why not take time off, and unwind at the end of this year. 

Why is it important?


The work from the home experience was initially fascinating, but it became stressful over time, especially for multitasking people. Most of us lost our work-life balance. How sad is that? So, we are here to convince you that it’s break time!

Just a couple of days off work will help you rejuvenate and re-energize yourself. It will also keep your mental well-being in check and boost your productivity and creativity when you are back at work.

How much time should you take?


How you structure your time off depends on you, your family, and your company. You can take a long one-week break or a short weekend outing. Taking short breaks from work will also help relieve the burden you’re leaving for your teammates. 

One great idea is extending your weekends. An instant reboot is possible by taking leave on Mondays or Fridays.

Considering Christmas and New Years’ is on Friday this time, you must grab this opportunity!

What should you do?

family trip Because of the pandemic, fewer people are willing to get on planes. Certain travel restrictions have limited our options. But with proper precautions and safety measures, you can still plan a short trip with your family as some destinations worldwide are now open to tourists. You can also go hiking, trekking, or any adventurous activities and feel one with mother nature.

But is it a compulsion to go out when you are on a break? Not necessarily.

You can also pamper yourself with some me-time. Wondering how?

  • Watch those movies you’ve been shortlisting since last Christmas.
  • Read a book. Reading is proven to reduce your stress and strengthen your brain.
  • Learn a new art or finish pending chores if you want to feel productive.

So, switch your laptops off…

Well, we hope this blog has motivated you to ease off this holiday season and find time for you and your family. Because according to Albert Einstein, we must learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow.

So here’s wishing you a Happy New Year, 2021! In advance. ?

Let us know how you are welcoming 2021 in the comments below. ?