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Mailbox bungling..

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My mailbox is junked for some reason. For the last few days, it is acting strangely. I have spent the first half of my day trying to make the filters proper so that I can trace the mails that are coming in.

Only today, I realised that there were a few mails that I have not even seen forget about responding to them… Feel very bad. I personally respond to all mails that I get within the hour so that the communication channels are open. Moreover, that is the way I expect others to respond to my mails. So, I feel real bad.

I have just got through half the configuration now. I have quite a lot of configurations still to be done in the mailbox. I hope to have it completed by EOD and respond to all the pending mails too by EOD today.

Even one of the sales guys commented that it was a ruckus in the mailbox. I sadly had to agree with him