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Home » new languages for the commercial grade Outlook Plugin for the vtiger CRM available

new languages for the commercial grade Outlook Plugin for the vtiger CRM available

Last Updated: July 12, 2023

Posted: May 20, 2010

crm-now is happy to announce a new version of its popular Plugin contribution which supports the following languages:

  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Portugese

You may get a copy from the vtiger extension page: Commercial Grade Outlook Plugin
For a functional summary look at the forum entry or consult the manual which comes with the download.

We would like to thank all the supporters from this outstanding community:

Thank you also for the huge amount of feedback from other community members which helped us to provide stable and reliable product.

You are missing your language and would like to contribute? Please contact crm-now at and send us a message.