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Shopping Cart Integration with Vtiger CRM On Demand

Last Updated: November 22, 2024

Posted: March 8, 2013

It’s projected that by 2016, $327 billion will be spent through ecommerce channels in the US alone. That’s pretty staggering considering that since 2000 the US population has grown just 10% while ecommerce sales have grown more than 100 times that rate, at 1000%. While we recognize that the growth in ecommerce sales has been pretty high over the years, we wish we could show you the growth in ecommerce software integration requests that we’ve received over just the last three years (it’s mind boggling, I assure you). As most of you may have noticed, we’ve been able to dedicate more time in recent months to extending Vtiger beyond just CRM, adding Google Calendar, MailChimp, and soon QuickBooks integrations in just a few short months.

That being said, we’re pleased to announce that we plan to release our first ecommerce integration by June of 2013. For this to become a reality, however, we first need to decide on a solution with which to integrate. While we’ve already explored a series of options, we’d like to take a moment and allow everyone with something to gain an opportunity to voice their position, so we’re giving you the floor. Which solution would you like to see Vtiger integrated with? Please vote below, and if desired, feel free to include more details in the comments below (we appreciate your input!).

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