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6 Benefits of Using Vtiger One View

Last Updated: April 11, 2022

Posted: April 11, 2022

According to Gartner, 14% of organizations have gotten accustomed to a 360-degree feature in a CRM1. There are many reasons why more enterprises are getting drawn toward a 360-degree view of the customer in a CRM. In simple terms, it gives a thorough analysis of historical customer data that helps organizations close more deals and provide efficient customer service.

If you are an entrepreneur, don’t you think your organization will benefit from a centralized customer data system? Customers are the core of a business but do you really know how they engage with your product? The answer to all these questions is installing a CRM that provides unified customer data.

Vtiger’s One View is a perfect solution to trigger your sales, marketing, and customer support-related activities. It provides a holistic customer view that boosts cross-departmental collaboration and emphasises enhanced customer experience.

The latest data gathered from different teams enables organizations to gain unified customer data. One View assists in collecting and displaying data collected from customer interactions through different touchpoints. A business can gain extensive knowledge of a customer based on invoices, quotes, issues, chats, etc. Different teams with access to this data will collaborate better and swiftly take action.

Six Benefits of Using Vtiger One View

Vtiger One View aids in achieving a single customer view and effectively improves business operations both within and across the teams. It enables a free flow of customer data and encourages teams to take quick actions for businesses to boost productivity.

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Unified Customer View

Different teams in an organization establish rapport with their customers that helps provide great solutions. For instance, marketing teams gain enough customer knowledge to know the kind of products and services customers are likely to buy. Sales teams evaluate customer requirements and predict which products will sell more. Support teams have clear insights into the customer’s problems and how to resolve them.

But this information is scattered across teams. How many teams share this data with each other to work towards a single goal – boost sales? Fragmented data creates complications, and teams end up putting more effort into searching for data instead of customer needs.

A 360-degree customer view is a perfect solution to mitigate departmental silos. It helps lock all relevant data – contacts, deals, cases, events, etc., in one place. It prevents you from switching back and forth between the screen to find data. It is less time-consuming and enables you to make informed decisions without much hassle.

Enhance customer engagement

There is more to a customer’s history than just contact information, and emails (or other interactions). It is essential to track customer interactions, customer priorities, and needs without deviations for a business. For instance, sales reps often discuss strategies by taking references from phone calls or the notes they have made from their meetings. However, not much information can be gathered from a two minutes call, nor will other team members know what actually happened on the call.

Here, One View with its 360-degree customer view works in your favor. You have access to historical data – previous interactions, observations, customers’ purchase history, their interaction on social media, their concerns, and so on. When this 360-degree customer data is shared with different teams across the organization, it helps in boosting marketing, sales, and support activities.

You will know how to engage with your customer, be prepared for meetings, and impress them with your knowledge. It helps in delighting the customer and sustaining customer loyalty in the long run.

Provide seamless customer service

Vtiger One view allows you to map out different customer touchpoints. You get valuable insights from your customer’s past behavior and your teams’ response to customer issues enabling you to provide seamless customer service.

Eliminate gaps and disconnects

Customers often change their minds about continuing with a product or service. With One View, you can learn about what is making your customer unhappy, find out if your company is actually meeting expectations, why your customers want to go with another company, and why they are dropping off from your service. You can also eliminate gaps by assessing your customer’s journey and facilitate engagement by closing loopholes.

Increase customer loyalty

Despite the exceptional service you provide or the world-class product you are selling, there is no guarantee that your customers will stay with your company. Finding a customer is one big task but retaining them is a bigger one, in the long run. With One View, you will have data you can analyze and provide a delightful customer experience – by making meaningful conversations and taking affirmative actions. A personalized approach will definitely boost customer loyalty.

Generate outstanding predictive analytics

Your data should enable you to generate actionable insights – about your teams and your customers. Historical customer data helps you know to learn about buying patterns and tell you about their future engagement with the product. One View provides you with insights into customer behavior towards your campaigns, products, and the service you provide. One View helps you with predictive analysis – developing clear strategies that boost sales.

Still, having second thoughts about Vtiger One View?

Sign up for a 15-day free trial and try out for yourself.

Reference 1: Gartner Press Release