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The Do’s and Don’ts in 2023.

Last Updated: December 30, 2022

Posted: December 30, 2022

New Year’s Day is right around the corner!

For many, 2022 was a comeback year after the devastating events of 2020 and the unstable aftermath that trickled its way into 2021. Although we are far from leaving the effects of COVID-19 in the past — cases are currently rising all over the world— the widespread fear of contracting the virus is keeping all of us on the edge today.

With that said, ringing in 2023 will definitely come with its fair share of group celebrations, champagne toasting, and more than a few New Year’s resolutions.

There are tons of New Year’s resolutions worth keeping, not to mention a few we think you’d actually be better off avoiding completely. While some declarations can set you up for a years-worth of success, others are simply based on either ego, false sense of self, or wishful thinking if we’re being honest.

Hey, we know most of us are already thinking of new year’s resolutions but here is a list to get you started. Feel free to use these do’s and don’ts that we specifically put together for you. With just a few days left in 2022, we’re here to help make things feel even more amazing in the new year.

Let us now see the Do’s and Don’ts of 2023:

Dos in 2023

  1. Plan for a Consistent Workout
  2. It is important to take care of your body with the right food and a consistent workout routine. . Start a less strenuous routine with 2-3 days of exercise and gradually increase to 5 days. This will help you stay calm and relaxed.

  3. Learn a New Skill
  4. Learning is a lifelong process. You must constantly develop the habit of learning in an ever-changing environment. This will boost your confidence to take up any challenge that comes your way. How about learning a new skill that will help you at work – like using a tool to increase productivity? How about excelling at phone photography? We are sure many of you are active on Insta or social media platforms!

  5. Make Travel plans
  6. Explore the world out there! You’ll never understand the true definition of diversity, or what it means to really be free until you begin traveling the world. Travelling can expand your knowledge and help you open up to yourself. It also gives you a chance to break from routine and bring excitement to your life.

  7. Read More
  8. Contrary to what anyone may have told you, reading is still and will always be fundamental. It will help relax your mind. Cultivating the habit of reading helps you to stay focused and gain knowledge. Reading is a thinking process. It helps keep your brain active.

  9. Socialize more, form hobby groups
  10. It is not important to only be active on Social media. This will help you to be a part of groups and learn how to communicate with each other. Socializing can also help you get rid of mental health problems like loneliness, depression etc.

Don'ts in 2023

  1. Don’t Workout every day
  2. Do not push yourself too hard so that you would collapse at the gym! Take it slow and steady. Fitness cannot be achieved in a day. It is yet another routine that must be included in your day-to-day activities for a longer and healthier life.

  3. Don’t Start Reading Books You Have No Intention Of Finishing
  4. If you’re not a bookworm, save yourself the literary dollars and shelf space by simply taking baby steps. Instead, picking up new magazines, Kindle or eReaders, online articles, audio articles, summarized books, etc. based on your interests might be a good place to start!

  5. Don’t Become your own Therapist
  6. Seek Help! There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for and getting help. You might find solutions from others for your problems only if you discuss them with people you trust and are comfortable sharing your problems with.

  7. Don’t bring the negative energy of 2022 to 2023
  8. 2023 doesn’t have to be if you choose not to bring negative energy into the new year. As a popular Disney Princess once sang, “Let it go!”. Staying positive and hopeful is the key to finding happiness.

  9. Don’t Set New Year’s Resolutions Altogether
  10. You can set resolutions month-wise and try achieving them. This will help you work towards shorter and long-term goals. This will help stick to your goals and keep taking baby steps. Once you make a resolution, you need to stay focused and work hard to achieve it.

    By inculcating the above Do’s and Dont’s, you will be able to plan your goals for the upcoming year 2023. With clear way to achieve your goals, you can move ahead with confidence.

    We at Vtiger wish you and your loved ones a very Happy New Year! May 2023 bring you to light and love, not to mention all the resolutions you set forth to accomplish.

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