Yesterday, I saw a very cool implementation of ajax for quickly spanning large-size lists . This felt really, really cool and I started thinking of where to use this in the product.
Most of the times, this is the first reaction of people.
After sometime, when there are other cool or cooler things that we see of maybe a different genre like eg a beautiful photograph, we allocate priority to that in our mind and sub-consciously assign lower or no priority to the first one that we had seen.
What I do nowadays is this :- Have a look at all things, appreciate them and leave them for sometime. If even after quite some time, I remember what I had liked ie it still persisted in my mind, then I go for it. My mother tells me I am lazy, not that others disagree but then that is how I let things happen, at least for all major things.
By taking my own time to do things based on the impact of the thing on my mind , I automatically make a sifting among the rest of the competiting items. This, like froth-floatation in sulphur mining,( i am actually a chemistry honours college drop out) gives me the sulphur and the dross just stays at the bottom.
This impulse of liking and the resulting impulsive action is what leads to lots of redos and re-efforts. I know this may seem counter to what I had written earlier. Do not take this literally. Most of the things happen in between these extremes. Some good ,hard decisions need time to be thought upon. At the spur of the moment, all seem right but in the long run, it may be very expensive to fix a wrong, big-decision.