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This week …

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This week has been very very hectic. The entire focus was to help the community reach far more into the product. All the feedbacks that we had got from the community have been integrated. Following up on them and ensuring that they were done was a high priority.

One of the areas which is still a pain area is the ease of customization of the product. This is being looked upon.

There has been a huge number of support queries in the forums,mailinglists,calls, etc and we are having a problem handling those. We are gently requesting those who want time-based responses to buy the support package so that we are able to give priority support.

The number of downloads too are soaring and no wonder the queries are high. We are getting 1500+ downloads a day.

We are getting a lot of customization queries too. The team is being expanded to handle these requests. We have got a few freshers in the team so we are busy training them on the product. The demand is much much much higher than the supply.

This is a good time for those interested in joining as sponsors so that they too are noticed and can take up some of the customization requests. It is a good time to invest in vtiger; not that it was not before, but if anyone is looking in terms of number of eye-balls looking at vtiger then I can safely say that this is the best time for those guys.