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Treating vtigercrm5 as an object

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I visualize vtiger5 as an object which needs completion. It is like a beautiful doll which has some rough edges that need to be sorted out to make it a complete, beautiful doll.

This will take effort. I expect 5.0.x releases to achieve that. vtiger5 should be a child’s toy. We are reviewing the posts and seeing if we are missing something in ourselves. By perusing the posts that are coming in, we want to analyze ourselves and see where we can improve. These learnings will be incorporated into the development and also in ourselves.

The product reflects what we stand for and, I believe that we are better than the reflection that you see in the product.

I feel we have reached a level where the technical expertise part is delivered, now we must get to the sub-skin parts and delve deep in there.

Once vtiger5 is complete, it can be used anywhere with total trust and faith that it will run 10 out of 10 times and there should not be any un-known gating factors.

We will surely make mistakes but the intent is to make newer mistakes and not keep repeating the old ones. We need your patience and direction too.