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Home » vtiger CRM 5.1 WIP Update (Last) – Support for Service based businesses

vtiger CRM 5.1 WIP Update (Last) – Support for Service based businesses

Last Updated: July 13, 2023

Posted: January 20, 2009

We are reaching the end of the development phase for 5.1.  Today, we have released our last WIP (work in progress) update with some important feature enhancements including the support for Service based businesses.

Services Model Support[link removed]

5.1 includes the following features to enables businesses sell services and track service contracts.

  1. Inventory support for Non-stock items/Services
  2. Service contracts to let users track the progress, duration and work items of a service.

More new features in 5.1:

1. Layout Editor[link removed]

Completely revamped and re-structured to allow admin to to add custom fields,delete custom fields,move fields from one block to another block,rearrange fields as well as related list in more information of modules. This also provides support for B2C model by enabling the option to set Account as non-mandatory field.

2. Vtiger Gmail Bookmarklet[link removed]

Provides basic integration with Gmail where-in mails from a gmail account can be added into vtiger.

3. Email Status Tracking[link removed]

Added basic email tracking capability to vtiger, where-in all the emails sent out from vtiger will be tracked for information like, access count.

4. Reports module re-written[link removed]

Reports are made generic as we can generate reports for newly added modules, now reports respect security settings. A user can set a report as public, private or share it among his groups or user’s role and subordinate users.

5. Tooltip Manager for ListView[link removed]

Tooltip manager is an utility provided inside vtiger that gives you the ability to view detailed information about a record when you hover over it in the listview. Using tooltip manager, you can relate a field to multiple fields within a module and see them all in a tooltip (ballooned text), when you hover over that field. This means lesser trips to detailview and access to more data within the listview.

6. Account Hierarchy[link removed]

Let’s you view the one-level higher up hierarchy and the complete lower level hierarchy through a Tree Structure.

7. Calendar Custom fields[link removed]

This feature provides an UI to add user defined fields (custom fields) to calendar module.

8. Picklist Editor Revamped[link removed]

Picklist editor’s UI is revamped and global actions like add, edit and delete are added. An assign action is provided where admin can specify the picklist values for selected role(s).

9. Notebook

Vtiger Notebook is a nifty utility provided inside vtiger that gives you the ability to save little notes without requiring to create a record. You just click on the notebook, type in your content and click outside it; you are done. Your notes are saved in the notebook.

Enhanced Features:

1. Changes to Installation Process[link removed]

The installation process has been revamped and simplified. Its possible to migrate to 5.1 from the installation wizard.

2. Documents enhanced[ link removed ]

In Documents modules users can group the related Documents and place them under a folder,the empty folder will be hidden from the view.

3. Product bundles[link removed]

Product bundles now support n to n  relationships where a product can be part of multiple-product bundles and product bundles can have multiple sub products. Inventory modules list sub-products of a product bundle and update the product quantity of all the sub-products and the bundle.

4. Eventing API

Events handlers can be bound to a module, this is useful when creating a custom module to keep track of event handlers created for that particular module.

Other Updates:

1. Duplicates merge revamped
2. Themes revamped
3. Settings page links moved to database
4. Vtlib upgraded to 2.1

Other features added in previous updates of 5.1:

  • Workflow Module [link removed].
  • Asterisk Integration [link removed].
  • Unique ID generation for all modules (similar to Invoice No) [link removed].
  • Record Change Indicator [link removed].
  • Feedback and News link for Administrators.
  • Product Bundles [link removed]
  • Mass Edit [link removed]
  • Mail Scanner [link removed]
  • Recurring Invoice [link removed]
  • Faq attachments [link removed]
  • Customer portal enhancements [link removed]
  • Web Services API [link removed]
  • Eventing API [link removed]
  • Import Feature Enhancement [link removed]
  • Configure Calendar Events [link removed]
  • Layout Editor [link removed]
  • Option to Re-arrange the products in Quotes/Invoices/Sales Orders [link removed]
  • Previous and Next buttons for ease of navigation [link removed]
  • Recyclebin [link removed]
  • Role-based Custom views [ link removed ]
  • Documents module [ link removed ]
  • Popup Reminder for Calendar Events [link removed]
  • Multi Currency Support [link removed]
  • Duplicate Records Handling [link removed]
  • User Configurable ID for SO/PO/Quotes [link removed]
  • Custom fields in Email templates [link removed]
  • Local Backup Feature [link removed]
  • ‘Assign to Group’ option during Convert Lead
  • Sending mail to Vendors (Similar to Accounts/Contacts/Users)
  • Mailing Quote, SO, PO PDF directly similar to Invoice PDF
  • Create Product through Quick Create
  • Calendar Events filter based on Users

Next Step:  5.1 Validation Build 1

In two weeks time, we plan to release the first Validation Build. It will signal the end of the development phase (i.e.,no new features development) and start of test and bug fixing phase.

Please try out the new features, and provide your feedback.

Demo Url :
Customer portal Demo:
Source :

NOTE: Please give write permission to following folders while doing installation or migration, modules, cron/modules, Smarty/templates/modules, backup/ all given paths are relative to the vtiger root directory.

Note: Please do not use this source on Production server.