Trainconsulting + Vtiger CRM

  • Business Consulting
  • Vienna, Austria

TL;DR Summary

  • Company Overview: Trainconsulting is an Austria-based company that specializes in providing consultation services to organizations. Their aim is to help businesses become economically successful and contribute to a better world.
  • Challenges: Lack of integration due to disparate software systems led to poor data accessibility, inconsistencies, errors in records, and communication barriers.
  • Centralized platform: The company adopted Vtiger CRM, whose centralized platform automated manual processes, improved collaboration between departments, and helped manage customer interactions effectively.
  • Improved lead and customer relationship management: Vtiger CRM enhanced sales pipeline visibility, which enabled better forecasting and management of customer relationships.
  • Modules Used: Contact Management, Lead Management, Opportunity Management, Workflow Automation and Analytics

Company Overview

Trainconsulting is a company located in Vienna, Austria that advises managers on organizational changes and concerns. They have a team of 15 members spanned internationally, and work in various industries and organizational structures.

They specialize in designing the transformation processes for companies to be economically successful and contribute to a better world. Their mission is to create innovative and lasting solutions for their customers.

The Challenge

Trainconsulting initially relied on systems that did not support integration, as each department used different software. This made it difficult to access data across the organization and hindered communication and collaboration. Manual work processes caused data duplication, followed by errors and inconsistencies in their records. Customer relationships were also poorly managed, all of which drove the need to have a comprehensive CRM system in place.

The Solution: Vtiger CRM Implementation

Vtiger CRM was chosen to be the all-in-one solution at Trainconsulting due to its diverse features that aligned with the company's needs. During the initial stage, users were skeptical and therefore, were given workshops, including training sessions to clarify their questions and concerns. The software was then implemented across the organization.

The centralized platform via Vtiger CRM's One View resolved data silos and improved collaboration and communication across departments. Manual processes were automated, which eliminated errors and improved workflow. The easy accessibility of customer data allowed the team to improve customer interactions. Opportunity management in Vtiger CRM increased their sales pipeline visibility, which enabled better forecasting. Lead management and customer relationship management improved significantly at Trainconsulting.


Integration of Vtiger CRM with the current processes and systems at Trainconsulting provided a single platform for effective management of their tasks and customer relationships. It centralized data and enhanced collaboration and communication across departments. The easy access to customer data improved customer interactions and developed better customer relationships.

Overall, Trainconsulting successfully resolved its challenges and attained improvements in its workflow, lead, and customer relationship management. The increased visibility into the sales pipeline improved forecasting.

TL;DR Summary

  • Company Overview: Trainconsulting is an Austria-based company that specializes in providing consultation services to organizations. Their aim is to help businesses become economically successful and contribute to a better world.
  • Challenges: Lack of integration due to disparate software systems led to poor data accessibility, inconsistencies, errors in records, and communication barriers.
  • Centralized platform: The company adopted Vtiger CRM, whose centralized platform automated manual processes, improved collaboration between departments, and helped manage customer interactions effectively.
  • Improved lead and customer relationship management: Vtiger CRM enhanced sales pipeline visibility, which enabled better forecasting and management of customer relationships.
  • Modules Used: Contact Management, Lead Management, Opportunity Management, Workflow Automation and Analytics

Company Overview

Trainconsulting is a company located in Vienna, Austria that advises managers on organizational changes and concerns. They have a team of 15 members spanned internationally, and work in various industries and organizational structures.

They specialize in designing the transformation processes for companies to be economically successful and contribute to a better world. Their mission is to create innovative and lasting solutions for their customers.

The Challenge

Trainconsulting initially relied on systems that did not support integration, as each department used different software. This made it difficult to access data across the organization and hindered communication and collaboration. Manual work processes caused data duplication, followed by errors and inconsistencies in their records. Customer relationships were also poorly managed, all of which drove the need to have a comprehensive CRM system in place.

The Solution: Vtiger CRM Implementation

Vtiger CRM was chosen to be the all-in-one solution at Trainconsulting due to its diverse features that aligned with the company's needs. During the initial stage, users were skeptical and therefore, were given workshops, including training sessions to clarify their questions and concerns. The software was then implemented across the organization.

The centralized platform via Vtiger CRM's One View resolved data silos and improved collaboration and communication across departments. Manual processes were automated, which eliminated errors and improved workflow. The easy accessibility of customer data allowed the team to improve customer interactions. Opportunity management in Vtiger CRM increased their sales pipeline visibility, which enabled better forecasting. Lead management and customer relationship management improved significantly at Trainconsulting.


Integration of Vtiger CRM with the current processes and systems at Trainconsulting provided a single platform for effective management of their tasks and customer relationships. It centralized data and enhanced collaboration and communication across departments. The easy access to customer data improved customer interactions and developed better customer relationships.

Overall, Trainconsulting successfully resolved its challenges and attained improvements in its workflow, lead, and customer relationship management. The increased visibility into the sales pipeline improved forecasting.

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