Digital sales room that brings sellers and buyers together

Deal Room is Vtiger’s private digital synergy space where a sales rep can share, engage, and track content with potential clients. A customer-facing microsite to capture buyers’ journeys and optimize the sales process.

Unified view of upcoming activities

Get a clear understanding of the next steps and due dates. The Next Actions tab in the Deal Room ensures harmony between parties. Create a memorable buying experience with a clear view of precise steps.

Answers to any and every query in a few clicks

The Questions tab - an affiliation space to ask questions and provide responses. Leverage the Questions tab to reply to queries raised by buyers or clarify your doubts. Influence buyers to make decisions promptly with the Deal Room as a hub for deal collaborations.

Reliable repository to collaborate with stakeholders

Store critical deal-related documents in one safe place. Create a central library of data available to buyers and team members in just a few clicks. The Documents tab of Deal Room ensures both parties have access to the deal progress with a shared repository.

Source of truth for every part of the sales cycle

Capture every step of the buyer’s journey with the Timeline tab of Deal Room. The point of reference for every action taken by the sales rep and buyer in a simplified view. Stay one step ahead by forecasting the next steps of the buyer’s team.

Clear View of delegates and their roles for deal closure

View stakeholders involved and tag every member with suitable roles. Plan bespoke approaches to each stakeholder based on role and interests. A unified view of stakeholders bridges gaps and removes redundant members for optimized deal management.

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