The ideal catalyst for managing your tasks and activities

Vtiger Kanban View: Stay organized easily. Gather powerful insights. Plan and optimize better.

vtiger kanban view

What is the Kanban View?

Kanban View allows you to see and manage all your work under one roof. The records will be displayed in terms of cards arranged across different stages.

keep updated with vtiger kanban

Be updated in just a glance

Kanban View displays data in an organized fashion for easier understanding. You can gather insights and plan efficiently using the visual arrangement. Additionally, you can sort the cards by parameters such as Created Time, Organization Name, Amount, etc.

kanban cards

All you need is the card

Use a card and organize your data across different stages. You can add a card, edit data, open a card in a new tab or even delete a card from the Kanban view.

kanban drop and drop

Drag and drop is all it takes

Just drag and drop the card to change its stage.

Availability of Kanban View

Availability of Kanban View

Kanban view is available in Vtiger across Deals, Playbooks, Tasks, and Events modules.

kanban tracking

Tracking made easy in Tasks and Events

The Kanban View shows every task and event as a card placed in columns. The columns indicate the status of the task or event. Perform any action or filter the task or event as needed with ease.

Case studies

Why our customers love us


Take flight

PropelCare relies on Vtiger Help Desk to ensure light enthusiasts are not left in mid air.



XSEED automates its entire sales process with Vtiger CRM.


Hack growth

Hacker Earth accelerated growth by switching from Salesforce to Vtiger.

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