Transform sales and support with custom AI Assistants

- From the CEO’s Desk

With the amount of data available about a prospect or customer, sales and support agents spend more time gathering and refining information rather than focusing on the task at hand.

What if you had a smart assistant who could look up, refine, and hand you relevant information? It could help you respond faster to queries, make faster decisions, and generally enhance customer conversations.

Introducing Vtiger’s Prompt Builder!

The Prompt Builder (included with Calculus AI) helps you create custom AI assistants that will streamline tasks and boost productivity.

You can save valuable time and let your teams shine!

Here are two scenarios that can make use of the Prompt Builder.

  • Sales: Sales agents have to manually review past meeting notes, support queries, and engagement data to craft follow-up emails with an effective agenda. Instead of spending time looking up information, sales reps can leverage an AI assistant. The assistant can analyze all the information available about the customer and draft a persuasive email, complete with a compelling meeting agenda.
  • Support: Similar to the above, support agents can lose precious time looking up information instead of quickly responding to customer inquiries. Having an AI assistant review purchase details, warranty information, and other relevant data can save time. The assistant can then draft an appropriate response, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.

The Prompt Builder empowers AI administrators to easily create these custom assistants:

  • Data-Driven Prompts: Include not only the prompt text but also specific record details (Contact, Case, Deal, etc.) and related information to ground the assistant's responses in the necessary context.
  • Reusable Templates: Save data templates to streamline prompt creation for various tasks.
  • Model Selection: Choose the appropriate AI model to process each request for optimal results.


The Prompt Builder is available in Vtiger One AI Edition and as a part of the Calculus AI Add-on for Professional and Enterprise editions.

Overcome data overload and empower your teams to focus on higher-value tasks. For more details about the Prompt Builder, please click here.


Feature Announcements


Vtiger One AI Edition
  • Unlock the added power of Calculus AI for enhanced performance and capabilities.
  • Users of Vtiger One Enterprise can upgrade to Vtiger One AI Edition while retaining all the features and limitations of the Enterprise edition.

Price Details Per User:

  • Standard: $66 - Monthly or $600 - Annual
  • Single App: $50 - Monthly or $456 - Annual

Approvals Booster Pack

The Approval Booster Pack is now available in One Growth, One Professional and One Enterprise editions.

Price: $25/Month/1 Approval


Vtiger One AI Edition
  • Unlock the added power of Calculus AI for enhanced performance and capabilities.
  • Users of Vtiger One Enterprise can upgrade to Vtiger One AI Edition while retaining all the features and limitations of the Enterprise edition.

Price Details Per User:

  • Standard: $66 - Monthly or $600 - Annual
  • Single App: $50 - Monthly or $456 - Annual

Approvals Booster Pack

The Approval Booster Pack is now available in One Growth, One Professional and One Enterprise editions.

Price: $25/Month/1 Approval


The Vtiger Blog


Improve user experience with Vtiger’s Layout Designer.

Vtiger’s Layout Designer is a powerful tool for customizing the layouts of CRM modules. For example, you can design the Summary View of Contacts, Deals, Organizations, etc., modules in Vtiger to provide a personalized user experience.

Read our blog to learn how you can benefit from using the Layout Designer with your CRM.


Vtiger Academy & Knowledge Base


Have you signed up for Vtiger Academy yet? 

We have a list of how-to videos demonstrating how to use and configure the CRM. It is our one-stop learning destination for all things Vtiger CRM. We have new courses on the Organizations and Sales Enablement modules.

Jumpstart your Vtiger CRM journey today!


Knowledge Base is our repository of articles (help documentation) and FAQs. Search for and read an article for quick know-how about a feature.

Read our latest article on the Prompt Builder and the updates to Calculus AI.


Have you signed up for Vtiger Academy yet? 

We have a list of how-to videos demonstrating how to use and configure the CRM. It is our one-stop learning destination for all things Vtiger CRM. We have new courses on the Organizations and Sales Enablement modules.

Jumpstart your Vtiger CRM journey today!


Knowledge Base is our repository of articles (help documentation) and FAQs. Search for and read an article for quick know-how about a feature.

Read our latest article on the Prompt Builder and the updates to Calculus AI.


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